The 6 Best Ways to Protect Your Heart Now – Treat your heart Today. We don’t just do the same old things. Instead, using new advances in science, technology, and products around you, you can eradicate the heart disease that is killing men. Here are the six best things you can do for that fragile organ now.

1. Train Like you’ve already had a Heart Attack.

A doctor was treating a man with heart problems (heart failure, heart attack, or any coronary artery disease) with children’s gloves.

Dr. Andrew Keech, an exercise physiologist at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, said: Thus, traditional cardiac rehabilitation programs consisted of low- to moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, typically three times a week for eight weeks.

It was safe and reasonably effective in strengthening the heart and preventing future problems such as another heart attack. Did not do it. (Does that sound familiar?) Dr. UlrikWisløff, a Norwegian heart disease researcher, had an idea to make things better. The all-out amount of oxygen the body can use during exercise (maximum aerobic capacity, or VO2 max) is the best predictor of heart-related death (and death from any cause). So his team thought that exercise to increase VO2 maximum might be what doctors ordered.

And one of the most innovative ways to increase that VO2 max. is by high-intensity interval training. With H.I.I.T., you get your heart pounding, back up, recovering, and pounding again to reach an intensity your first small approach can never match.

2. Do this H.I.I.T. Workout – Protect Your Heart

The next H.I.I.T. workout from Menahem Brody of C.S.C.S., Founder of Human Vortex Training, strengthens your muscles while reshaping your heart healthily (following the advice above).

Beginners should do the following:

  • At the start: 15 seconds on, 15 seconds off
  • After two weeks: 20 seconds on, 15 seconds off
  • After another two weeks: 30 seconds on, 15 seconds off

Advanced exercisers should do the following:

  • At the start: 30 seconds on, 15 seconds off
  • After three weeks: 40 seconds on, 10 seconds off

Aaron Baggish, M.D., Massachusetts General Hospital cardiologist, and New England Patriots team cardiologist, can help make sense of the wearable’s heart-related numbers.

3- Check your Resting Heart Rate – Protect Your Heart

What it is: How countless times your heart beats in one minute. The lower the number, the better your fitness. Your heart doesn’t have to work hard to keep up with demand. A healthy person has a resting heart rate of around 40 (60 to 100 is normal).Use: Decrease naturally with a regular exercise regimen. If your heart rate is 15-20 beats higher than usual in the morning, you may feel sick or not fully recovered from your workout.

4- Track Heart Rate Recovery (H.R.R.)

Content: How much your heart rate drops in the first few minutes after a workout? It tells you how effective your heart is. The more constantly you exercise, the faster your H.R.R.

WEAR IT: It Helps show you’re in shape with your workout. A drop of 20 hits in the first two minutes is average. After that, an athlete can lose 30-50 beats per minute.

5- Watch your Sleep – Protect Your Heart

What it is: A significant number for your mind. The heart is the only tissue that never entirely rests, but sleep is the closest we can get.

Use: Aim for 7-9 hours per night. A new study found that the public who regularly slept less than six hours of hers were 27% more likely to have plaque buildup in their arteries than those who slept seven to eight hours.

6- View Activity/Step Data

Content: How much you move in a day matters. When you don’t change enough, your blood pressure rises, cholesterol goes the wrong way and inflammation increases.

Do it: If you have a desk job, get up every 45 minutes to do push-ups, walks, and so on. Aim for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity workout per week.