Breastfeeding: 8 Golden Keys To Enjoy This Stage – During the gestation period, we prepare for the long-awaited birth of the baby. Naturally, we want everything to be perfect. Therefore, we focus a little on the external; room, car, bottles, clothes, etc. However, a child at birth needs:

  • Parents with a lot of love to give, patience to learn, and serenity to adapt to this new role.
  • Arms, pampering, caresses that will last for the rest of his life.
  • Mom’s tetica to feed, grow healthy, and have a unique and special bond called attachment.

Breastfeeding is the leading food of a newborn. It is recommended to give it exclusively for the first six months of age, and later, complementary feeding begins and continues to be the leading food until 12 months of age.

The World Health Organization recommends giving human milk until the first two years of life. Still, it is allowed to provide until when mother and baby decide to breastfeed after two years or prolonged continues to feed your baby.

What is Breastfeeding, and What is its Importance?

From The Theory To The Practice

It’s okay to read lactation books and watch videos of lactation counselors, doulas, and pediatricians.  I hope you prepare as well and polish every detail as when you start painting and decorating your baby’s room to minimize mistakes and lower costs. Distress levels. Because when our time comes, things change.

Our first child earns the title of guinea pig. We are parents with a blank cassette willing to fill experiences, mistakes, frustrations, successes, failures, tears, and laughter. Next, I will describe the process of breastfeeding and What to do to avoid making the main mistakes as new parents.


During pregnancy, at approximately 22 weeks, the production of breast milk begins. The mother’s breasts are designed so that when the child is born, the first attachment and breastfeeding occur, recommended during the first hour of life.

I will tell you what the phases of breast milk are.

  • Colostrum: During the first 3-4 days of life, a few yellow drops come out of your breast. Don’t worry; it’s all your baby needs; his stomach receives 3-5 cc of milk per feed. How to know if it feeds? Urine and poop that is black (meconium). Approximately on the 4th to 5th day, you feel your breasts large and complex, and breast milk comes out more fluid, whiter and more liquid, the long-awaited let-down of milk.
  • Transitional milk: goes from 6 to 14 days. At this time, your baby’s stomach is still growing. The stools are clumpy yellow or mustard. After the first week of life, you do not need to pick your baby up every 2-3 hours to feed him, as there is no risk of low blood sugar.
  • Mature milk: after 14 days of life. At this time, the baby’s first fight with the teat arrives (2-3 weeks of life) during the first growth spurt. The child wants to spend most of the time at the breast, gets angry, pulls it, cries, and gets desperate to such an extent that the mom doubts whether she is feeding well. Could it be that my milk is enough? On many occasions, this is the leading cause of early abandonment of exclusive feeding with breast milk.

At this moment, the child requires a higher caloric intake because it is where his first growth spurt in weight and height occurs. So it is not that mom does not have milk. In fact, at this time, there is much more breast milk production than in previous days. This period usually lasts about one week.